2020 represents a fresh start—the beginning of a new decade and a chance to reinvent yourself or, at the very least, refresh your wardrobe.
If there’s one thing that’s pretty much guaranteed to happen at some point in every woman’s life, it’s feeling rather uninspired when looking into your closet.
Maybe you feel a little guilty about that fur coat that’s collecting dust on your hanger…
Well, let’s do something to change that!
First, we have to identify why you aren’t wearing your fur…
If you’re one of those people that says “my lifestyle has changed… I don’t go to many black tie events—“ let me stop you right there: fur isn’t just formal attire—even a classic mink coat can be dressed down and paired with jeans and boots!
We’re seeing a lot of younger women come into our store looking for “a mink stole, like the one my grandmother used to wear” so they can give a casual outfit a bit of old Hollywood flair!
Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to wear fur! Fur is meant to be enjoyed, no matter the occasion. A lightweight fur jacket or vest can be worn as ready-to-wear, not just as outerwear! I can’t tell you how many new customers come into our store after seeing someone else wearing a fur… they love the way it looks and want something similar!
Now, if you aren’t wearing your fur because “it makes me look like a football player, with those big 80s shoulder pads” we can help you with that, too! Whether your fur just needs some alterations to make it fit you better or if it needs a complete overhaul, we’ve got you covered.
Our expert furriers specialize in restyle makeovers of fur garments, which can include everything from shortening a full length coat into a more wearable jacket, converting it into a sporty vest, or even shearing it and adding a water repellent lining to make a reversible rain coat!
And if you think, “it never gets cold enough to wear my fur in North Carolina,” then you should come to our store and check out our “Cloud Collection,” which features feather-lightweight furs that can be worn when its in the 50s or less! Did you know that Douglas Furs accepts trade ins?
As a final option, we do have a popular consignment program—if you really can’t see yourself wearing your fur and you aren’t interested in trading it in for a new one, we can help you sell it on a consignment basis!
So if you have an old, outdated fur that just sits in your closet, unused and unworn, NOW the perfect time to do something about it!
Again, here are three of the most popular options:
- Restyle it into something more modern & wearable
- Trade it in for a store credit towards a new fur purchase
- Sell your fur on consignment or let us help you find a cute vintage fur amongst our preowned furs!
At the end of the day, we just want you to enjoy wearing your fur.
Be bold. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Wear your fur proudly and embrace your individuality.
This year, resolve to be a fashion forward icon and a trendsetter!